Real American Patch |
I have a phrase I use often - " I may not agree with what you say, but will always defend your right to say it." This is the American way after all. But, do to some unfortunate events, I must amend that. " I will defend your right to voice your opinion, until it becomes hateful." Recently, I posted something on Facebook that, although I did not agree with part of it, the general context I did. I honestly felt those who follow me and know me would understand that, ... at least would respect my right to feel this way. I was wrong. The attack was vicious, full of hate and name calling. Was even told I had no right to my opinion.
For those who don't know me - or know what I believe in - let me clarify.
- I believe in the right to keep and bear arms. I am a proud gun collector - I enjoy shooting, have a love and respect for guns, and honestly believe in the 2nd amendment. You don't?? That's your right, and I respect that. Please respect mine.
- I believe we need to secure our borders, and we need not a "comprehensive " immigration policy, but need to enforce the laws we have. I do agree something needs to be done for the kids that are here do to no fault but of the parents, but do not agree in the President unilaterally changing the laws. You don't agree? That's your right and I respect that. Please respect mine.
- I believe that Obamacare is putting the USA on the fast track to a more socialist society. I feel that it will not make healthcare affordable and more accessible, but will in fact have the opposite effect. You love it??? That's your right and I respect that. Please Respect mine.
- I believe in marriage to be between a man and a woman. If you are gay and have a partner, I am happy for you and wish you both nothing but a lifetime of love. But although I am not a 'bible thumper' I believe where it states marriage is to be between and man and a woman. You defend the right of gay marriage?? That is you right I respect that. Please respect mine.
- I believe in the free enterprise system. I believe that America is the land of opportunity, not the land of the "I deserve it" and once the government allows businesses to either thrive or fail everyone will be better off. I do , however, believe the Government needs to watch for greed, and not allow gouging. You want more taxes on the so called "Fat Cats" and more bailouts and handouts - that is your right. Please respect mine.
- I Believe in the piece of paper called the Constitution is a concrete foundation for our way of live we call the American way. I do not see it any less concrete than the ten commandments. To me it is not a "living, breathing thing" that we must change to fit every whim. You do?? That is your right. .... That piece of paper says so...until they change that right too.
I am a registered voter - independent - but I do have conservative values. I respect the views of democrats, republicans, tea party, and libertarian. I respect anyone's religion, whether it be Catholic, Baptist, Islam. Jewish or Wiccan. What I do not respect is extremism, attacking someone for believing differently, or forcing your beliefs onto anyone. Take that elsewhere - it is un-american.
Again ... That is my opinion ....