Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Help! There are Fruit Loops in my Social Media Bowl

People are probably the strangest critters God has created. Some are fighters who with argue with a fencepost, others stand there with their fingers in their ears screaming "La-la-la-la I cant hear you" , still others curl up in the corner, sucking their thumb crying " Woe's me". You see them and real life every day, and on the internet the menagerie of these strange creatures is huge.

Now we all have had those times when life simply sucks. And yes, we have taken the fact it does to the warm and cuddly world of social media where you will find someone to give you hugs and a cookie. We all have been engaged in some sort of confrontation online too, butting heads with someone whose opinions differ from our own. And we all have met those who seem to have nothing else better to do with their lives than hang on Forums, FaceBook or Twitter dragging their Drama Llama behind them. I have discovered many fit into one or more of the following:

Its a Fact Jacks

They blow in, state something and declare it to be Gospel. They will agrue with anyone who questions them. Usually starts off friendly enough, but often ends with them resorting to creative name calling like 'Doo-Doo-head'.
The Kumbaya Choir
Live in their own world of sunshine and lollipops. They cant understand why everyone can't get along. Fun and upbeat, tossing out flowers hearts and love at you until you say something they disagree with, then the song becomes La-La-La ... I can't hear you - sung often with fingers in ears.
The Chihuahua pack
Caution! They nip at anyone. Usually run in packs, but have been known to go rabid by themselves. Sneaky puppies, often wait till you are asleep to yap and bite. Not housebroken, so usually there is a mess to clean.
The Blues Brothers (and Sisters)
Never happy, except when you are having a bad day. Easily spotted with their 'Woes Me' and often heard singing 'nobody loves me, everybody hates me .. think I'm gonna eat a worm' Let you post that you are having a bad day, they will inform you their life sucks worse .... or they become part of the Kumbaya Choir tossing you rainbows and unicorns.

For the rest of the world, these people are colorful, comical at times and we tolerate them and often love them, for differences make the world go round. As long as they dont go crazy.
But for those who choice to play these games, here in the south with have some advice for you....
  • If you cant run with the big dogs, stay on the porch
  • Put your Big girl Panties On And Deal With It
  • If you cant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen
  • Suck It Uuuuuuup ....
  • My cow died last night, I dont need your bull
If you see yourself here ... Well bless your heart ... it is teetotally unintentional.

Southerners have a genius for psychological alchemy...If something intolerable simply cannot be
changed, driven away or shot they will not only tolerate it but take pride in it as well.


  1. and then there's Woofers..........

  2. ROFL! *snort* Priceless! This is my favorite post to date.

    And for those extra-fruity, snark-filled Fruit Loops, I would add a little Southern Belle mint-julep zinger passed down through the ages:

    I can't please everyone, so if you have a bee in your bonnet, a bone to pick, or an axe to grind, you might as well hold your horses cause you're barkin' up the wrong tree. I have far too many irons in the fire, and you're not the only duck in the pond.

    *dusting hands off*

  3. LMAO,.. and then there is woofers... ok,, done on that one.

    I guess I must be southern Renagade, cause I shoot, or tell em to suck it up. God I love this post.

    Course I have the North in me to where I just bitch slap them silly, or start blowing stuff up.

    Send the hater's to me honey. You know how I roll.
    Love ya Lady!

  4. blowing stuff up is good.........

  5. Amen Brenda ... It is simply take a number and get in line

    Kat and Woofers ... I think I should have mentioned the fact that I am a Irish/Italian Bostonian by birth .... so yes ..I can be explosive!


Can you relate to this????